Mommy here, just wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming by and checking on us! We are still so sad about Miz Greta. The puppies are doing fine and Pepper is being a great "mommy" to them. We appreciate each and everyone of you!
We love you,
Willow, Pilar,Teak,Maiz,the Lizards and our hoomans whose eyes are leaking without stop!
Well here I am just checking to make sure that daddy did his job right. So far it looks like he did. If he missed something than it means sister will have to fix it tomorrow. (Mommy is allergic to grass so she doesn't mow)
Well this is Willow signing out for tonight. We at the Compound hope you all had a good weekend. Chat with you soon.....we hope.....we are moving on to MANIC MONDAY!!!!
Stay strong my friends. I will be passing these around to our friends. Let me know when you need them. We will send them for you. Right now our friend Howie needs them down in Texas. He is in Solitary Confinement for.....being to "farty" yep you read it right. So mine are all loaded and ready to go to Howie. Good luck with this and may the "Farts" be with us!!
This is Willow farting out at the Compound tonight. Letting you all know that there is never anything wrong with farting. Yes even if you are a girl. We girls have to fart tooo. My mommy would like me to call it "fluffing" but since my boy friends call it farting I said " no way , not gonna happen I need to hang with the boys mom!!!" so any other girls with me!!!!!?????
Front of Fart BottleBack of Fart Bottle
So we thought we would make up for our badness and help mom out with the bloggin. We know she has to catch up with so many of our friends. So we got busy, put on the proper secretary outfits and got busy. We hope we got all of you. Mom says she thinks we missed a few so it looks like we are back at the keyboard tomorrow. As you can see in the pictures, Pilar is a much better typist than I am. I am a much better dictator. teehee