Wow is all I can say. Those kids are brave. The girl hasn't brought us any drama.....yet, but it is only the 2nd day!!! The boy, well he didn't even let mom walk him in. He just jumped out of the car and said "see ya after school mom!" The seriously he is.....he stinks.....especially after blahball....oh but I think I am digressing.
Pilar and I got to go bye-bye this morning for the school run. We went and got gas and that is where it began. Mom says it is never boring with me around. Talk about the drama, she just doesn't get me. It wasn't my fault I promise:
See Ty was eating a yummy pop-tart. He wasn't sharing and I had to get in his personal space to get some. In doing so I spilled Ally's drink from the day before all over Ty and his seat. (Poor Ally is gonna get it for leaving it in the car) So MOM being the hero that she is (you like that mom is this helping my cause?) jumped in the car and started cleaning Ty and the mess. It is not my fault Ty didn't want to go home and change, besides he wasn't that wet. Next we are in the drop-off line at the school. Mom's friend tells her that her gas cap is off!!! NOOOOO she is horrified. So the line isn't moving yet and she jumps out to close it (she almost went in her pj's....teehee) and OUT I jump then Pilar. hahahahaha Nope I wouldn't come back and Pilar followed. Moms friends were rolling down their windows harassing her. Now for MY bad news. Mommy said to me "Willow it looks like you and I have to go to school. You just don't mind me when we are out and we need some training." OH NO!!! Beasely help!!!
I hope the school year goes better than our 2nd day. Mom says between blahball and the morning drop-off I am 0 for 2. I don't know what that means but I think it is bad. All I know is that I didn't get a treat when I got home. Now that was bad!!!! We sure hope everyone is doing good. We can't wait to read up on what everyone has been doing while we were gone. A week really is a long time to be away from friends. Now we have to run and catch up with all of you. See you soon.
This is Willow signing out from the Compound warning all of you NOT to jump out of cars unless told to do so!!!!
Nature Friday
1 day ago
13 dale snaps:
Stoopid thing ate our comment-we'll try again!!
Welcome back Willow! We missed you.
Sounds like you might be going to school. I thought you'd be going with your kids, but Mom said nope,one just for doggies. Scooter says that sounds like torture. I,Sunny,think it'll be fun. Other doggies(maybe some big ones like us Willow. We are big dog deprived at home) Mom says she wishes she could have seen your "chinese fire drill" in the drop off line. Except for th dangerous part of y'all running amuck in the road, it would have been humerous as a movie clip. (Mom has a wierd sense of humor)
I,Sunny, got into a wee bit of nischief myself, but my friends all think I actually did a good job!
We missed you. Nice to have you back.
Doesn't your Mum appreciate you helping her? Goodness, we would jump out too - isn't that we're supposed to do? School isn't so bad, you get treats there! No really! We're with you big guy, hand in there!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
How many bottled farts do you need buddy? I will get them ready ASAP
Cars are for jumping in and out of. Doesn't your mom know that? Maybe school will help her.
Willow, you never know about school... I always get a TON of treats at school!
Brown dog kisses,
Dannan and The Girl
Being in trouble must have something to do with the name Willow cause during the week our Willow escaped from our house and went up to the village without B or D.
Maybe I should suggest school for Willow too lol.
Noah xx
I thought it was a week of Wild Willows. I would hate school! Don't let it change you too much.
love & wags,
Willow..... you certainly are my daughter!!! You're doing so well dear. Keeping the hoomans on their toes and all. Personally, I think it would have been a "hoot" if Mommie had taken the kids to school in her PJ'S!!!! teeheheheeee
Apache and her tribe
Willow, Willow, Willow! I think you might be a bigger escape artist than even Patches! Sounds like obedience school might be in your future! We hope it helps your mom to be obedient. Heeheehee.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Didn't your mom know that you were just getting your morning excercise? See you just need to tell her why you do what you do, and I think you'll be okay.
Training isn't so bad. My human had to get a treat bag, and she cuts up some pupperoni's and a few other random treats and it's awesome! So, training isn't so bad. It just is bad when you're an's 'cause we're stubborn yah know. It's only in our nature! Heheheehe!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Woof, Willow
Good luck with that school thing. We hope you at least have some fun there. We haven't been to school, not after Scuba was expelled for picking a fight with a Mastif puppy during her puppy training. Mom's kind of afraid to take the rest of us.
Desert Pups
I can hardly chew ya out there after what me, Mom 'n Toby did ta the porcupine.....but runnin' outta a car can probably be more hazardous ta yer health than even ta school ya go......
Dewey Dewster here...
Ya jumped outt the car??? Oh dear...BET THAT DIDN'T GO OVER VERY WELL!!!
So you bought urself a ticket to obedience school...hmm....last time Stanley went he ate so many treaties he barfed in the car on the way home, poor Guy!
Oh Willow...ur poor least she was dressed!
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