This is what happens when I get ignored! Enough already with this NCIS stuff. It is an all day marathon on USA today.
First this NCIS stuff then she messes up our bloggy. Enough already. The house will come down, stuffies will be destroyed and food bowls will be tossed until this ends!!!!
Hmmmm what's next????
This is Willow signing out out for today. Keep your paws crossed I don't get locked up for bad behavior!!!
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
21 dale snaps:
Maybe you should lock your PAWRENTS up for bad behaviour. And lack of cuddling!
I messed up the 1st one. Great job willow. Come by and pick up an award for you.
You could totally be my agent! I could model all of the beds in those dog catalogs that my human gets...then maybe at payment for the use of my features, they will let us detroy some super awesome, way fluffy and oober expensive beds!
Screw this bad behavior crap! You're the one being neglected! NEGLECT!!! Wheres is PPS! Pets Protective Services! HELP!!!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Oh I should have done that when mom was on her L&O CI marathon. Find something else to ruin. Great job.
That kind of neglect desewves some did a pawfect job!!!
I think you should wepowt youw pawents! cewtainly you do not desewve punishment
smoochie kisses
That was some great destruction, I am so proud of you Willow.
Woof, Willow
Good job. Nothing makes a dog feel loved than having stuffing everywhere. We hope our Mom doesn't find out about the NCIS marathon, she'll ignore us too. Of course we could always chew through the TV power cord.
Woof, Woof
Desert Pups
My crate bedroom has looked just like that before too, Willow, and mom forgave me so I'm guessing that you'll be okay too!
Yer friend,
That is one pawsome job on the bed. Did you eat some of it and deposit it all over the yard. Take care as these hoomans have no sense of humor sometimes. You are young, but you will learn how far to push it prior to the evil water bottle or cage door being shut.
That is one pawsome job on the bed. Did you eat some of it and deposit it all over the yard. Take care as these hoomans have no sense of humor sometimes. You are young, but you will learn how far to push it prior to the evil water bottle or cage door being shut.
NOw that's a stuffin' mess like I've never seen before....Gram would have a hard time puttin' that one back together fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here....
That is excellent destruction! So much stuffing, ah pure chaos! And this was totally deserved for the mis-treatment of you. I'd hate to see what you would do if they left you alone ALL day long! He he!!
Your pal,
Woh your stuffies exploded.. I hope they dont leave your alone for too long..
~ Girl girl
Well they shouldn't ignore you Willow...It's their fault really!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Nice work Willow! You made us all proud. I have tears in my eyes - you really went over the top on that de-stuffing! Keep on your Mum, make her tape NCIS, would that be so terribly hard? My Mum is hooked on the original CSIS. Crikey! It's on for 2-3 hours every night. Fortunately we can sit in her lap during these boring times.
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
Woo hoo! Willow, you sure know how to pull apart a stuffy! Your Mommy should know better, leaving an unattended 'Dale that long!
I am going to take a few pointers from you though, the Fall TV season is about to start, and that means no time for me for a while :-)
Hi Willow!
Sorry I have been MIA - do you need my blog address still?
And I am glad you did not run away to Stars Hollow. Although, if you find it one day, please let me and mom know, we want to move there too!
Love Clover xo
Yoohooo, Willow, is your mom still watching NCIS. She never came by to get her award (I don't think so anyway) How you been holding up willow? Any more statements about NCIS made to your Mom? splodin pillows or the like?
Willow, you could report your mom to the ASPCA. I think this qualifies as cruelty! And just look what it caused...a sploding bed!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Excellent de-stuffification, Willow!
Brown dog kisses,
Dannan and The Girl
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