It has come to my attention that my mommy Apache has not released Wheely Paco yet. He is still in Critical condition in Deming, New Mexico. Paco has NOT been AIRE-lifted to Airedale Heaven Hospital yet like we all thought. This is a travesty!!! Our Wheelies may try to take over at times but we must support them anyway!! I love my Malitta, when she is on her shelf!!! (oops)
Now I know my mommy Apache is tough but come on this can't happen any longer. MELITTA and I are calling for a release of Paco. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We ask that you would all visit Apaches Tribe blog and demand PACO'S release!!! Now I warn all of you my mommy Apache can be VERY stubborn so she may need some convincing. However, I am sure we can all convince her it is the best thing for Paco. Here is the blog address. Beasely's mommy still hasn't been able to help my mommy with the short cut thing so sorry about the long-cut
I am going to thank all of you in advance for you help in the release of Paco. Penny, Poppy & Patchs are awaiting his arrival to help get him better. They are great nurses but can't put their skills to work until poor poor Paco gets there!!!!
This is Willow signing out from the compound today, warning all of you Wheelies to "watch" your wheels. Big Nose-Pokes
Nature Friday
1 day ago
8 dale snaps:
This sounds serious. Maybe the Wheelies need to organize a protest for Paco.
Oh Nooooo
We have to do something, Paco needs ouw help..we will go pwotest, and get him to the hopsital pwonto..thank you willow and Melitta fow bwinging this miscawwiage of justice to ouw attention
smoochie kisses
Asta and Myrna
I will not stand by & let this happen! This has gone too far!!!!! Alright I'm going to handle this...Thank you Willow and don't you worry anymore!!!!!!!!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We must march. Free Paco!
I hope Paco gets release soon..
~ Girl girl
Hi Willow
I hope you manage to fee Paco very soon. I'm glad you like our new birds. The pink ball is sadly no more .. Hobson shredded it, but Goofy survived. Have a great weekend.
Love from Hammer
Well, Willow, it must have worked...we got a pee-mail from Mama Sherry saying the Aire-lift took place yesterday afternoon around 1:00. We'll be on the look-out for the crate and let you know when the injured wheelies arrive. We're sure they appreciate all your help.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Woof, Willow
We hope all is well with Paco and the wheelies. Are you going to provide a safehouse, do you need added protection? Toby and Norman have volunteered.
Woof, woof
Desert Pups
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