Monday, September 15, 2008

Manic Monday

Hi everyone! It is manic Monday around here! Our weekend was crazy so that usually makes our Mondays "manic"!!! Mom decided NOT to fix my sploded pillow! It had been repaired to many times. The garbage man took it away today! :(( She bought some tan pad thingy for my kennel and I hate it. I keep pulling it out and she keeps putting it back in. Wonder if she will ever get the hint!! My bloggy is not much today. No pictures or anything. She neglected ours to spruce up Apache's tribes Bloggy. Go take a look! See ya tomorrow. We think.

17 dale snaps:

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

I told ya Willow's Mom! She wants a pillow like the one the cat messed up!!!

Dandy Duke said...

We hope your mom eventually feels bad for you and buys you a cushy pillow that you love!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lindsay said...

WHAT?!? No new pillow? Your mom really needs to get her priorities straight, Willow!

Apache's Tribe bloggy is pretty cool... There's sure a lot of doggies there!

We are so glad to be back in the bloggy world! The Girl is finally letting me catch up with all my friends!

Brown dog kisses,
Dannan and The Girl

Noah the Airedale said...

Cripes, sorry to hear your pillows gone. Maybe you should tell your mum you're nervous around the new know like Paul Anka. She'll understand if you say that!!!

Noah xx

George the Pup said...

Oh no Willow - no pillow how will you sleep?! Hopefully your Mommy will get the hint soon!

The Apache's Tribe bloggie does look nice, but I'm sorry there are no pictures of you today!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey Willow darlin'...

Yeah, I have to say that the car harness is comfy - darn it - much nicer than the last one I had which was all scratchy. I think mama put up a link to the exact one I tried (I'm using the Large size).

Much Dale Lovin',


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear. so sorry about your sploded pillow. I hope you get a new one that you like soon

~ Girl girl

Princess Patches said...

Sorry about your pillow, Willow! Sooner or later all sploded pillows and stuffies end up in the trash. It's sad, but it's just a fact of life. We hope you get a new one that you really like!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

the many Bs said...

we're sorry about your pillow, Willow. it's just unfair when our humans throw our best stuff away.



Woof Willow

What's up with that? That's just not right. Pillows are the best when they're ripped with the stuffing coming out.

Desert Pups

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Willow.... if Grandma can sell a doggy or two she'll send money for a new pillow! Maybe she should buy you a "blanky." Remember, that's what we all have here....YOU DO REMEMBER, RIGHT!!?? The Bloggy looks great and Grandma appreciates it.... however, everyone else is right.... It just isn't the same without a picture of you...

Love you,
Mommy Apache

Moco said...

Do you want Grammie to make you one of her blankets with your name on it? It would be good in your kennel.

Peanut said...

oh man yeah get grammie to make you a blanket. They are the best things ever. I love mine. Flash loves his and our kids have their own also

Dewey Dewster said...

Aw....It's always sad ta lose a friend even one that ya ripped apart instead of kissed....ya will get used ta the new one.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

A red Dale sissy? Did we hear ya right???? Wahoooooooooooooo! BTW,Mumsie can pick our doggies a heck of a lot faster than she can buy furniture...and she's a lot better at it...the doggie thing...half of the furniture she buys she's sent back cuz it's ugleeeeeee...."it looks good in the store..." yeppers...

Oh Willow...that would be the most exciting news yet...a puppers!!!!!

Let us know!!!

Barkin' at ya...Laciegirl

Pee Ess...Baylee is a kind gentle soul...I've tried till I drop...but she has NO ATTITUDE. NONE...she is so Not A Terrier....!!!

Dandy Duke said...

The book is yours, Willow! Dad says that you are a VERY fair exchange for the book and to send you on over!
I don't think we have your address. Could you email it to us at maggiesue710 (at) yahoo (dot) com, please, and we'll get your book out in the mail!
We can't wait to see what breed you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


Woof Willow

Have you got a new pillow yet? Have you chewed up your tan pad thingy? If you need help just give us a call and we'll beam right over.

Desert Pups