We here at the Reish Compound have started our garden.
My daddy, sisssy and brother are working hard at preparing the garden. As soon as it is ready it will be time to plant seeds and some kind of green things. This was an all day job, just happened on the day mawmie flooded the basement.
So you can see all the hard work that WE all did.
Picture 1.
Ally, Ty and daddy planting something yummy to eat I just know it!!!!
This is me with dad in the garden. We have 2 sides to it. I was making sure he was doing it right. Mom sent me in to supervise him. We wouldn't want any mistakes this early in the planting season.
We love our daddy.

Ok someone had the great idea that Pilar needed to come out with us and garden. Let's just say......it didn't go so well. She never did understand that you need to walk down the aisles of the veggies and NOT run over them at full force. At one point she had all 4 hoomans chacing her and trying to catch her. She made a mess and some replanting had to be done. She was told to "sit...stay" but she ran ran ran as fast as she could to the front door!!! Until pup Ally went and let her in. That silly girl.

AAhhhhh now me! I took a much needed break after all the drama from Pilar. I was tuckered out from the running and gardening. I just don't get into the drama queen stuff. Sooo I decided to do a little "roaching" for a little while. Then I got up and found some birds and decided to play with them. Ok here is where it gets a little scary for some people. I took off after the birds. I know hard to believe isn't it. I chased them right into the corn field right behind our that is right behind our house. Yeppers they wouldn't find me, and I (big sigh) wouldn't come. My boy pup found me. I didn't get into tooo much trouble over it. Mawmie was just glad I was safe and with her. It has been a great Saturday for me. I am just hanging out with my family and it is great! Finally it is all about ME. Ok yes it usually is but it really is this weekend. People are asking my family lots of questions about me and where I came from. Not just bloggy friends but real world friends.
Well mawmie is in need of rest and I do hear the pillows calling me.....I think they need some protecting. I better get in the room and protect them before the other 4 pawed kids get in there and abused them. So long for now. Hope to hear from all my friends and how their weekends went.
This is Willow the Protector of Pillows checking out for now!!!!!