Hi everyone! It is August and still no mom. Pilar and I are heartbroken. Ally says this all sucks and is really mad. Ty still plays with us. So I bet you are all wondering just where the heck my mom is. It is a sad sad story so I will just tail you the short version. The daddy wants something called a divorce and won't let mommy come home or see any of us. He pulled a fast one on her. They keep going to this thing called court....I keep thinking it is a basketball court like when Ty plays but he keeps telling me it is not. He says it isn't a fun court but a big people court. Where mommy is living she can't have 4 paws so she is looking for a plays that we can live with her too. It is so sad around here, Ty hides, Ally cries, Pilar barkes and eats all the cats food. Yep she gained all her weight back, boy is mom gonna yell at daddy for letting that happen. Then there is me....I haven't been groomed in months!!! I sure don't know what my daddy is thinking but sister says I look like I have dreadlocks so she combs me out everyday. I think mommy won't be very happy about this either.
I did get to see her once at the gas station and I didn't even recognize her. She says she is on the divorce diet. Then I smelled her and started crying and about knocked her over. Now all I do is carry her stuff with me everywhere and stay with Ally and Ty. I don't have much use for my daddy anymore since he makes my girl cry. I really miss my mommy.
Say lots of prayers for all of us. We miss you. My mommy says she doesn't have internet but she goes to the library and will check it once a week.
From Willow who lives in the sad sad Compound with the rest of the sad compounders!
Wordless Wednesday
20 hours ago
10 dale snaps:
Oh Willow we were so upset to read your post. We will cross our paws very firmly and pray that your Mummy can find somewhere to live where you can be too.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Oh Willow! I was so excited to see a new post from you but then was sad when I read it. How awful.
Sometimes moms and dads need a divorce, but it can be hard on the little humans and the four leggeds.
I hope that they will be able to work things out so that you get to see your mom again.
Our hearts are breaking for you and your family, Willow! We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my, poor Willow!
I'm so sorry to hear your horrible news - do hope mommy finds a home soon so you can all be together again.
Love, pats & pets
Hi Willow
I hope this all works out for you soon. It sounds very sad. I know humans have to do stuff sometimes but I hope things work out ok. Me and Arrow are crossing our paws for you.
We were so excited to see a new post from you until we read it. We are sorry to hear about your parents. We will be doing double duty on the circle of healing vibes with hopes that you will be all together again.
I know it has been some time but I hope all is well...
Oh Willow...this just stinks...like stinks...and we so wish you guys weren't hurting over it...
We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and hope that things have improved tremendously....
I'm pretty sure that one can get court ordered visitation for dogs...this is awful...Mumsie is in tears...
We're prayin' for ya Willow...
Laciegirlie, Stan, Scruffy and Mumsie
I am devastated heawing youw sad news.
I will cwoss my paws and Mommi will pway that youw mom can get a place to have you wif hew and make all this sadness go away.
I am so sowwy that youw family is going thwough this.
You will be in ouw thoughts and pwayews .
Pleez stay stwong and don't give u
smoochie sad kisses
Oh No. I have been awol for such a long time after Mom died, and I came here to catch up. My heart breaks for you. Divorce sux(been there done that-it just sux). But him keeping your kids and dogs from you??????? How can he DO that. I hope he will read these comments. Mr. Willow's male jailer-you stink! You are punishing the children and the dogs. A can of whoop ass needs to be let loose on you.
OK. Willow, we will pray for you, yourkids and your Mom to be back together again VERY SOON.
God Bless
Big Hugs (((((((( ))))))))
Sunny, Scooter & Jamie
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