Of course it was bed time! Ally was just taking up too much of the bed. They still didn't get those full mattresses yet!! So...Ally took the cushions from the couch and made me a bed. Now if I could just get her to scoot over a little more!!
Now here I am....sitting....thinking....and pondering what to do. One
Wii, one boy, 2 girls and one Willow.
Hmmmm how was I going to make this work. I needed a plan and a good one.
At last I did. It was great! Every time a person got on the Wii fit i would lay a paw on it or my tail. They didn't take notice. So I had to take drastic measures...I laid on it while they were playing. Yes that is me with my head on the board getting told to leave...NOW!! As you all can see I am not budging. Plus she was doing much better with my help....poor girl. They need to make me my own character because I have seen some of these humans play and let me just say friends....we are soooo much better than they are!
My girl got on and gave me that look "you do it and you will get busted all the way to the kennel." So off I went in search of a cat. Hey at least I am bigger and they can't complain right! So I found Teak and Daddy, they had foodables so life was good.
Friends, we are so happy to finally be coming back. Things are still a little sad. Mommy & Daddy's friend died this week. Yes same community and everyone new each other. But everyone is pulling together for both families and it makes our hearts feel so happy. So much must be done over the next month that we will be popping in and off just to say hi to some of our friends. Please don't think we have bailed on you. You are all very important to us. You and your humans have gotten us through our rough patches. When mommy couldn't sleep because of the sadness she would get on and just read about our blog families. She said she is sorry she didn't write but will start again soon. My sister promises to start helping me out with the typing since my mommy has so much going on. She said to please forgive her spelling (we told her there is spell check) and that she isn't funny. I think she is sweet and kind. She is workable.
Well this is Willow checking out from the compound tonight. Wishing you all love slobbers, licks, nibbles, puppy slams and cold nose pokes. Without these things life would be boring. Much love and BIG SMOOCHES TO ALL......Willow and her compound.