Please look carefully at this picture my pawfriends! It may look like a bunch of toys....but it isn't. They are hoooman pup toys. AND sometimes in this box of toys things are put in there that just shouldn't be in there. Some of these items left in there can be weally weally bad for us puppies!!!
Now my boy pup usually closes his door and I can't go in his room (which I HATE). But he forgot one day and this is where my story begins.........

I will tell my story with a few stuffie friends. Over on the left we have Depp (yess named after Johnny due to my moms crush), next we have Not Named Airedale since he belongs to Grandma so we will refer to him as....NNA then we have my favorite stuffie in all the world....Mine! Yes that is his name get over it ok. Now lets move on!
For those of you familiar with these items you are gasping I know. Those of you who are not, well it is aseeema medication. My boy and mawm have it really really bad. This is all their booty.
I, like most terrors (fix that word mom) terriers, are shoppers. So I like to shop in my pups backpacks and toy boxes. The boy pup had a rreeaaallly old inhaler in his back pack that ended up in his TOY BOX. It was covered in all kinds of good stuff. Chocolate, candy, crackers and other things I just can't describe. YUM YUM Man did I hit the jackpot. So I decided I was going to chew on that thing and get the yummys off of it. Then out of nowhere that thing whistled at me, flew out of my mouth and across the room. It went one way and I went the other. I was so scared I ran and hid in the closet in mawmies room. Boy was I shaking and scared. Ok I had the shakes and jitters for the rest of the day. It was terrible. Mawmie told me I didn't have the aseeema so no more inhalers!!!!

Look into my eyes my friends! No Seriously look. I have a warning for all of you. There are warning labels on these things about the danger of them.....BUT THEY SAY NOTHING ABOUT THE DANGER OF CHEWING ON THEM!!!! Depp, NNA and Mine think I should have known better. They also told me I should have stayed out of other pawed ones toy boxes and pack packs. I disagree with that!!!! I figured if Baby Stan could take the spatula AND the bottom part of the dishwasher.....what would it hurt to shop in the pups room. Not to mention if my boy got to upset about it I would just ask Mango to come sit on him for awhile to calm him down. That would work.....wouldn't it. Oh and when you do Mango could you bring Hector because he looovvees Hector!!!

Finally at my own toy box. Depp, NNA and Mine have talked me into using my own toys today at least. I am a curious dale so it won't last long.
This is Willow reporting from the Compound and reminding all of you to please read labels (or have your hoomans do it)!!!