Hello Pilar here. My girl is writing everything down for me because I am to tired from yesterday. Well my boy had a friend over and they were playing with Ally. Those mean boys wouldn't let Willow and I go near the fire they had made. Well I got mad and went to be alone with mommy. Willow came running in demanding mom. Well Ally sent Willow outside. She ran and I was alone at last. Then Willow came in that night and started bragging up a storm.
Want to know what she did? Well I'll tell you. The girl was getting wood from the woodpile and "The Mutt" chased after the tractor to help. I have to say she was a good helper. Well after they roasted marshmallows dad loaded the tractor with trash for Ally to take to the road for him. Well on the way out the silly boys hopped in back with the TRASH!!!! Ty got in trouble, 1 for jumping in back and 2 for standing up and trying to surf!! Then they all came inside. Ally let us out not knowing those boys left the gate open. Of course, we are dogs so we went to the front I went to the bathroom then to the front door. But the "Mutt" went to the trash and started playing in it. Ty was in trouble again. I felt bad because poor Ally had to wash Willow because she smelled really bad and had stuff sticking to her. Oh Willows coming got to go.
Bark at you later
Pilar (the smarter dog of the house.bye)
Wordless Wednesday
23 hours ago