Sunday, August 10, 2008

THANKS for your support!

Daisy,Ally,Isaac,Ty and Blu


Hello my friends both 2 pawed and 4 pawed. We just couldn't have done it without all of you. Everyone was so great while my hooman family went away.....FAR away out west to see my 4 pawed mommy. Not to mention they all cheated on me with all those doggies. *Oh Willow this is not how we write a thank you post. I think you can take your complaint up with me after we post ok love!*
So sorry about that my friends, we are just glad they are home safe and sound. Not to mention they did bring gifts! Woohoo. Of course G-ma sent the gifts so she is the best. I am still mad at momma Apache for trying to still my kids. *WILLOW that is not what we are writing about.....focus, ya know like a camera. ya know like the one we don't have yet* Sorry mom I will get back on track here. So a big thanks especially goes out to the 3Pgirls, M&M siblings, Eduardo,Clover, Deetz, Griffendales, and Beasely. If I forgot your name in here just bite my human she is just going so slow. Yep she forgot someone I just know it. For good measure everyone I am just going to bite her, it's settled.
We love you all,
Willow and Pilar

Warning read below this line at your own risk!!!!
Ok so we were not that good while mommy was gone. Yep we did some reaalllly bad things. So I thought I would share a few of them with you all. I am looking for some support . I just hope Pilar and I are not the ONLY pups in the world who do these things. So here it goes:
  • We opened our crates a few times and escaped. Truth is I,Willow, opened the crates and we ran amuck throughout the house for the day. Pilar made her usual kind of mess but I went and snuggled down in the pawrents bed..
  • I kept sneaking out of our back gate. It seems I have a talent for reaching over the gate and opening the latch. I am a fast learner what can I say. Yep trouble was a brewin'
  • I wouldn't listen to dad about was scawry. I thought all living cweatures awe our fwiends. Boy was I wrong. Not only did I smell bad but it broke my heart.
  • Burrs!! Yep I have managed to really make my hoomans mad about those silly things. I was just chasing some silly little critter into a hole. I guess I have had them for a couple of weeks dad said. But he did try to get them out. (not a happy mommy) I was promptly told to stay away from that nasty beast. SIGH
  • I am ashamed to say but...I did a little counter surfing when they were gone.
  • Pilar just kept pee peeing everywhere. She thought our green carpet was the grass. Boy is mommy mad!!!

So we thought we would make up for our badness and help mom out with the bloggin. We know she has to catch up with so many of our friends. So we got busy, put on the proper secretary outfits and got busy. We hope we got all of you. Mom says she thinks we missed a few so it looks like we are back at the keyboard tomorrow. As you can see in the pictures, Pilar is a much better typist than I am. I am a much better dictator. teehee

Can you believe how hard we are working?? We think it is time for a cookie break.

This is a picture of me and daddy. No matter how much trouble I got into during the day he was always there to make it better for me when he got home. I have the bestest daddy in the whole world. Can you see how much he loves me? We did this a lot while mommy was gone. Woohoo for me!!!! Well this is Willow signing out for today. It is time for us to snuggle down for the night. Who know maybe mom might get some sleep!!! Tail wags to you all. Big smooches.

15 dale snaps:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back Willow! We missed you!
Looks like you had a really busy time of it. Lots of ADVENTURES! And Cuddling. Both are very important. Cuddle up with your Dad lots, it'll make your Mom jealous. Serves her right for being away so long.

Dexter said...

Sounds like it was party central with mom out of the house. You will need to work extra hard to make her not be mad at you.


Dandy Duke said...

We think your mom will get over it as soon as she cleans the house and puts everything back in place that you and Pilar messed up!
We bet she's very glad to be home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

I'm so glad youw Mom is home..even if she's alittle mad..I bet she's weally happy to see you!!!
you didn't do anything we haven't all done'we not a bad kid at all
smoochie kisses

Nancy at the Farm said...

WOW! You type really well! Thanks for your comments on my blog, you understand me so well.

Love, Dozer

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Willow.... Mommy Apache here. I can't believe that you did all of those naughty things!!! Opening latches, climbing fences, catching vermin, ohhh .... wait a minute!!! Yes, you're just like me. WOW that apple, er dale didn't fall from the tree!!! I love your glasses, are you near sighted????

Mommy Apache and her tribe

the many Bs said...

hi Willow, you are a good escape artist - getting out of your crate and opening your gate. we're glad you didn't get into any more trouble while mom was gone.

now your life can get back to normal with your mom home.



Woof Willow

Geeez, all that fun and you didn't invite us? Well, sometimes dogs have to be dogs. Anyway, we're organizing OPERATION PEE ON HUGO to send to that idiot journalist who thinks dogs are stupid. So send us your best pee picture and tell all of your friends.

Desert Pups

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Me speechless about all you did! My moomie won't let me do that stuff. Was it fun to be bad?


Deetz said...

I about cried when I read that the skunk hurt your feelings....If I see him, I will have a chat with him for sure. Counter surfing is not a bad thing, we clean up all the crumbs left behind from the humans...less mess for mum
Peeing...I consider that carpet know that spot needed cleaning, right?
I don't think you were that bad, in fact....treats are in order.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Willow. :)
Looks like you've been busy.

~ Girl girl

Bogart H. Devil said...

Welcome back Willow! Sounds like it was party time over at your place, next time send me an invite, I'll bring the burgers!!!


The 3 G-Dales said...


We G-dales hear your Mommy needs some love from a little lickey-lick on the face and some big nose pokes to remind her that she is PAWESOME! SHE ROCKS! SHE IS THE SUPERMOMMY!!!!

Ok it's settled, she gets the picture here...we love her and so does her family and everyone else that knows SHE IS DA BOMB!

Ok, we will return to pestering the heck out of our Lola, she is ripe for some teasing that puppy...she thinks she is gonna take way!

Hammer said...

Hi Willow and gang
Sorry it has taken me so long to comment on your blog. You didn't do any badder things than I do. I can get into lots and lots of mischief and there is no way I would ever stay in a crate. Thank you for checking on me and my mum. She is trying to help me reply to all my comments.
Love from Hammer

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

A SKUNK? Like Peppi La Peu??? Oh my that went over like the Titantic sinking!!! Did you get bathed in tomato juice? Did ya drink any of it??? MMM...Bloody Mary's!!!

So you escaped from ur crates, got outta the yard...WOW! Can we come and visit the next time ur mom leaves????
