Friday, August 8, 2008


Finally....... my family is home!!!! So now I can finally show all of you my wonderful gift that Faya sent me.

She sent me the "PIG", puppy treats, a cool stuffy, froggy ball and these cool hat scarfs!!! Thanks Faya.

This is a picture of me and Ally with a box of all our cool stuff from Faya! Due to no camera.....hint hint dad. It is a little blurry. But I think you can see the booty we got!! Woohoo

Here is Pilar admiring MY pig. Hey Pilar don't get any ideas it is MY PIGGY!!!! Did you all know that this piggy makes a really cool noise. Dad said it sounds like a deer call! He better not get any ideas about my piggy either.

Well all is good in my world now that my family is home. I am content. I got to wake everyone at 7AM. Mom wasn't to happy about it but I just needed to let her know that she was home with ME. I had lots to tell her about my life while she was gone. We will share all of it with you!!!! Until later my pawed friends!!!
This is Willow signing out from the compound advising you all to keep your hoomans close and your piggy's closer.

9 dale snaps:

Faya said...

I am happy that you have your family back...I hope you will have a lot of extra snuggle, kisses and treats ... you deserve all this !
Kisses, Faya

Deetz said...

I love my piggy that she senta is great!!! I play with it all the time. My mum throws it like a ball and I go and get can't break him.

Clover said...

Hi Willow!
So glad your family is home with you now. Great pressies you got from Faya!
Love Clover xo

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Levi is going to get a pink pig someday when Moomie finds one. She says she looks and looks but doesn't see them any where. You are lucky Willow. Glad your humans are home.


Dandy Duke said...

We just love our pink piggy! Actually, we just posted our kong entry pictures and little miss piggy is in the picture with me!
Faya sends the greatest pressies!
We're so glad your family is home, Willow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Nancy at the Farm said...

It's about time your pawrents to their responsibilities a little more seriously! Goodness! We were about to call the ASPCA on them.


Noah the Airedale said...

Hooray, your family is back home. Good news Willow.
The pressies Faya sent you are great. We've got a pink piggy too. Faya sent it to our Willow and it's still with us. Not in one piece but still here nontheless.


the many Bs said...

hi Willow, isn't Faya the nicest dog ever? we got scarfs and a piggy and toys and treats from her too. she picks out the best stuff.


Kodiak Grandson Falcon said...

Gee if my family is out of sight for more then 2 seconds I am barking up a strom. Mom said that I am good for my granddad. Because
he is running and playing again. She has not seen him do that in a very long time. He is going to be 11 years old this Oct.