Thursday, August 14, 2008

FootBALL and me!!

Guess what! Mommy asked me "Willow do you want to go to football practise?" All I heard was blah blah blah BALL blah blah blah!!! So I grabbed my water, dish and leash. I beat everyone to the door. All I could think about was the BALL. It was a short drive and I was a bit confused because we were at my boys SCHOOL????

So there we were surrounded by a bajillion boys! BOYS!! I was not expecting this. I don't remember hearing boys with that ball question. Anyway, it was "draft" day so we found out who Ty's coach was. Boys and balls and hoomans were all going in a trajillion directions. My eyes were going well cross eyed. I looked at mom and said "WHERE ARE THE BALLS??"

Finally, there were the balls. I saw them and boy was I excited. I took off after one and didn't realize that mom was connected to me. No it wasn't good *sigh* seriously not good. All I could think about were those balls and it took all she had to stay on her two feet. But I still say it wasn't my fault those boys were throwing them and hey it is a ball and my job to get them......RIGHT?!$#

So off to the practise field we went to watch our boy. Oh I wanted to go play soooo bad but I couldn't. But I did do what us girls do best...... socialize! Yep I met a V-E-T!!! His son is on Ty's team. The little kids were actually nice and didn't poke me. The teenage girls loved on me and so did the other mommies.

OH MY DAWG you will never believe what I saw. A dog. Yes a real dog!!! Ok I saw 2 real dogs. Ok ok I live with Pilar but she doesn't count. I just couldn't believe my eyes and nose! One was a lab like Pee Wee but he was brown. The other was a Black Bouvier called Rufus. I almost fainted but mom said to stop with the drama already. (Talk about drama sheeeesh)

You would think that mom would have taken pictures with her cell phone but she was too busy chatting with all the other moms and was not interested in me. Imagine that!

Well that was my day. I have decided that football practise is not for me. It is hot, boring and I don't get to play with balls. I would rather stay home and chew my cow hoof. That is more exciting than watching the balls go by. a join in kind of girl.

This is Willow signing out from the Compound warning ALL of you to listen carefully to what your pawrents say. The hooman words can be tricky.

13 dale snaps:

George the Pup said...

Oh I don't know Willow - that sounds pretty tricky. Sounds like your Mom wanted some company! At least you got to meet some new friends!

Lizzy said...


You went to a ball game and didn't get to play BALL?! How crazy is that?! The human words are funny, indeed.


Anonymous said...

You did get worshipped by others and I find that is almost as important as playing. Oh, and thank you for wanting to be my bodyguard.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Willow, I think football is boring too. You have good taste, but I'm sure your boy enjoyed having you there to show you off. You're such a pretty girl.

Levi's mom

Clover said...

Hi Willow,
Sorry you had such a boring time!! Thanks for the tip about humans' wording - I will be careful!!
Love Clover xo

Deetz said...

They are very tricky. If mum yells for me to come home, she just yells, wanna snackie? I hear that and I come barrelling home. Its so wrong. I think you should have gotten to wear a helmet and play ball with the boys.
You have a great weekend Willow

George the Pup said...

Oh Willow that is so nice of you to support little Violette's family by wearing violet. If you are still interested, donations are still being taken to help with the final hospital bills and funeral expenses. There's a button on the Cat Blogosphere - our you can follow this link (

Thank you dear friend!

Moco said...

You know how those humans are, they are always trying to trick us. I can tell you are a quick learner. None of their nonsense I say.

the many Bs said...

hi Willow, it sounds like it was kind of fun, even though you didn't get to play with the balls. you got to meet some new friends and watch the boys run around. that's got to be a little bit of fun.


Dandy Duke said...

We're glad that you got to at least make two new friends, Willow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey Willow, you were jipped. No balls at all....well none that you could play with. I think your decision about no more football is a good one.


Dexter said...

What a bummer that you didn't get to try out for the team. But you did get to make some new friends (even if one was a pee-wee), so that made it fun, right?


Peanut said...

How could they take your somewhere that you couldn't play with the balls? What kind of humans do you have?