Monday, May 28, 2012

Hi friends sorry it has been awhile since we have been on here!  Our life has been so crazy with my kids growing up, mommy going to school and most of all the puppy we got that is almost two now.  Do you remember her?  She has kept me company with all the craziness but she sure does keep me busy.  Mommy says I have changed too.  Not sure what she means by that, maybe it is because I bark now and I never used to.  Hmmmm didn't know that was a bad thing.  My girl turns 16 on Saturday and promises us lots of bye bye trips in our future so be on the look out for those pictures because she is now a photog from mommy says.

3 dale snaps:

Dexter said...

Thanks so much for checking in. Amazing how quickly time passes. I wonder if Willow is feeling more responsibility now that there is another dog in the house. Teenagers sure can keep you jumping. Happy 16th!

Mango Momma

Duke said...

How nice to hear from you! We can't wait to see a picture of you and your ssissy, Willow!
Happy 16th birthday to your girl!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Black and Tans. said...

Lovely to see you back. Happy birthday to your girl, we hope she has a lovely day.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie