Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Gift Came From Herbie!!!!!


This is so very exciting! My package from Liss, Herbie, Nixon and Fatty came! I sat and waited patiently while pup Ty opened it for me. He was being soooo sloowww!

Ok I was checking out ALL of my
booty here! I couldn't wait to
get into it. Ty HAD to show me
each and every thing. Then
he found a card! Can you believe
Mom said the polite thing to do is to
ALWAYS read the card 1st. So my
boy got to reading...PRONTO!! While
he read....I cheated and made noise with my
new stuffie! He just read louder.

Can you believe all these goodies?
How cool is this???? Herbie got me
a Purple Doggie to match his! I
promise Herbie to take good care
of it. I won't let Pilar near it because
she might make it splode!! We wouldn't
want that to happen.
Ok we are really "eyeing" that pup peroni!
It sure smells good!
Ahhhh no thanks give that one
to Pilar I will take the bag!
Thanks again to Liss, Herbie,
Nixon & Fatty.
Thank you Beasely and Chef this was so much fun all the way around.
We would also like to thank our under appriciated mail LADY! (Who gives us cookies)
This was more fun than going through the McDonalds Drive-Thru!!!!!

8 dale snaps:

Dandy Duke said...

What nice gifts you received, Willow! Mom always makes us read the card first too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

What nice presents you got. You still should get to go through McDonalds.

Gaia the Airedale said...

yay neato gifts Willow! Pup peroni, and hey! I used to have a stuffie like that too! I tore the thing to bits hehe!

puppy breath,

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Willow! Yay! I'm glad your package arrived! Mine to Chef is late too because the postman said Chef's address didn't exist, but I know it does! So I re sent it, about 1 and 1/2 weeks ago, so they better get it this time!

I love to squeek the toys! I make them go long and hard, usually until they break. It's great fun!

Card Shmard, what about the treats! Those are of the utmost importance!

Im out to go sniff up some puperonis of my own!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Deetz said...

That is a pawsome look so adorable. You have grown so much and I love your aircut

George the Pup said...

What a super package of goodies - all sorts of good stuff!

I tagged you for a meme, come by and see!

Chef said...

Hi Willow. I'm going to transfer your post to the Goody Exchange album. That's where all the posts are:

Nice gifts. Hope you enjoy them, beautiful girl!!


Anonymous said...

Woooow look at all the nice presents you's got. They all look nice.

I loke the purple furry stuffie, it's very cute.

lots of licks
