Friday, July 18, 2008

Home Alone.....With DAD!!!

Well they left yesterday! I tried to get into the suit cases but I had NO luck! Mommy kept making me get out. Pilar and I both had picked one but was a no go for both of us!!! I am telling all of you right now!!!! It was the longest, yes longest day of my life! :((

They left the house by 6AM did you read that pawfriends 6AM. Nobody in house every gets up that early. EVER!! I tried to get in the truck when they were loading but again that didn't work. So I got lots of lovin' and a good treat (one of the good ones that Faya sent me) then they left. Just like that. They said "Bye Pilar, Bye Willow, we love you see you in a few weeks." Like we were nothing!! Oh Beasely if I had those fart bottles from you and Deetz I would be gone, out of here, fly the coop, hit the road and everything else!!!

On a positive note. My favorite friend Sarah (who really LOVES me) came over when she got off work and hung out with me(ok us)*sigh*. She did tell me that mommy asked her to come over everyday to hang with "us" (ME) while they were gone. Daddy gets home late and that worried both mommy and daddy. They know how sensitive Pilar(me) is. Ok and grandma comes over during the day to see us too. But nobody will be taking us to McDonald's or for car rides!!! There is just something wrong in this world.

Mom told dad last night that a small toy poodle was on their flight to New Mexico. My kids wanted to know why I couldn't have MY own seat on the plane and how come only little dogs get to ride top side. Now that's what I am talking about. Yeah pups!!!

So I will end my sadness here! Wish us all luck. Remember not to let your hoomans get to far away and that guilt DOES work. This is Willow signing out!

11 dale snaps:

Nancy at the Farm said...

Willow! This is puppy neglect! What are your pawrents thinking of? Hang in there, we are with you in spirit!

Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Anonymous said...

But you get your Dad all to yourself (push Pilar out of the way). That's gotta count for something!

Dandy Duke said...

We're hoping your dad feels badly for you and takes you out for ice cream or a hamburger! Ours does so yours should too! You could tell him we said so!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The 3 G-Dales said...

Geez ....

First you get a wheelie in the house, then you get left alone....well, not entirely have Grandma and you have your favorite friend Sarah....sounds like a pawty good arrangement...lovins from fwiends and Daddy at home at night to keep you comfy...

We know you'll miss Maw-Maw but she is visiting MAMMA SHERRY! We love MAMMA SHERRY..she's like "Mother Nature" for us Dales... Maybe your Maw-Maw will come home with a treat for you...

Nose pokies to you Willow and Pilar...

Deetz said...

No McDonalds???? The madness!!!
I am still looking for a magic carpet so I can come and get you and Beasley and we can fly ourselves around and visit everyone and check out all the McDonalds and ice cream shops

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey buddy,

you have been nominated for Photo of the Month over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :)



Noah the Airedale said...

Well hopefully a trip to McDonalds is on the cards. Try not to worry too much, your mum will be back soon.

Hugs & tail wags
Noah xx

Moco said...

Take care good buddy. You will survive this ordeal. You now have Merlitta to spend time with also.

George the Pup said...

Oh Willow how horrible! My Mom and Dad only just got back - it's so hard! On the plus side I bet your Dad will feel really guilty and spoil you rotten :-)

Bark at you soon!

Princess Patches said...

Poor Willow and Pilar! We think you REALLY need to lay the guilt trip on your dad (AND your mom when she gets home). That should get you lots of treats and maybe even some ice cream!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Peanut said...

You can make it. I still have 3 weeks until my girl comes home and months and months before dad makes it home. Make your dad feel guilty and maybe you can get mcdonalds every day