Just a quick hello from everyone here at the Reish compound! Daddy kept us all busy planting a garden, moving bricks and landscaping. Mean while....mawmie kept us busy cleaning up her flood in the basement, house cleaning and planting flowers in her flower garden. Yes we were all busy and very very TIRED!!! My kids begged not to go to school today. They pleaded with mawmie to let them stay home. They said they needed an extra day. Mawmie, being the evil one that she is, laughed and said "get up and deal with it!" I on the other hand was ready for them to go to school. I just wish they would get going already so we could snuggle back to bed. We will give you a PM report once the pictures are in the silly computer.
This is Willow signing out from the Compound!!!
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21 hours ago
9 dale snaps:
Your kids are still in school? Ours got out last Friday. It's kind of silly, really...here in Georgia, they go back to school in August when it's way too hot and they get out in May. We don't have any human pups at our house, but there are 2 schools right behind out house on the next road over. We are always glad for the break in traffic during the summer. Don't work too hard, Willow!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Our mom and dad planted this past weekend too, Willow! Mitch and I supervised!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMG I just tried to leave a comment but it didnt work....grrrr anyway too bad for the kids eh? My mommy didnt mind going back to school, shes already missed a couple of days this year anyway hehe.
puppy breath,
Oh, your morning sure sounds busy. That's a pawsome report. Can't wait for the afternoon details. :)
~ Girl girl
It is always time to go back to bed. Naps Rule! Having the human pups at home can be fun if they want to throw the stuffies for you all day. None of that work stuff.
Would it be OK if we put you on our friends list?
Hi Willow
Sounds like you've all been extremely busy. Hope you get those naps in.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hey there Girlie -
New Power Pink on your bloggie...pwetty coolio! Mumsie has been very busy wiff her business and wiff the holiday. Our humans had a BIG PAWTY! There was wike over 60 people here on Monday...Mumsie said it was a cwazy day. Dad rented a slip n slide for the human kiddos to play on and Mumsie had to cook all day and play hostess and daddy was host wiff the most too...he was grilling and serving dwinks to everyone....
We hung out and just watched it all...vewy entertaining for us! They ARE cwazy our humans.
Hope you have been well...we miss you...we're getting weady for Lola dale to arrive....HEEEEE-HEEEEE we are sooooo vewy excited!
Nose Pokes Miss Willow!
The G-Dales!
I tagged you for the Me, Me, Me, game. See my blog. Pillar can play also.
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