Friday, March 28, 2008


Well today I spent to much time in my crate. My family was gone most of the day but that is ok because they made up for it when they got home!! Not to mention spring break just started for my kids so life is looking good for me!

So I got to thinking about times when I was a wee little thing. As you can see from the picture I like to chew up paper. Yes, I Willow am addicted to paper. It doesn't matter what kind it is, phone books, school books, cook books, etc., you get the point my friends. This was my first big destructive paper project. Mommy thought it was funny. Daddy didn't, I guess it was because he had to clean it up. He had the nerve to make me stand out there with him while he cleaned it up!!! Of course mommy made a production out of it like she does everything else. I should have caught on then to run when the camera comes out because it usually ends up bad for me with my picture sent to all family members with my deed of the day! So my question is this my furry friends: Is anyone else addicted to paper or is just me? This is Willow signing out for the night. Wishing you all a great nights sleep!

10 dale snaps:

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...'re boofiful!!!! We've read bout all black Dales, but we've never seen one or had one as a friend!!! We saw your comment on Amber-Mae's bloggie...looks like you know a lot of the same doggies we do!

I'm Lacie...a 13 month old Lakeland terrier...

I live with Scruffy, a 2 year old Wire Fox terrier and Stanley...a 10 month old Dale. We call him Babystan cuz there's another Stanley on DWB''ll have to meet him...he's a pawsome Dale!

Come and visit our blog...we live in Pittsburgh! We'll add you to our pack list!

Terrier barks!!

Scruffy, Babystan and Lacie!!

Dandy Duke said...

We both love paper! I love to eat it and swallow it and Mitch loves to chew it to shreds just for fun!
Do you like dirty tissues too? Those are the best!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Willow,
Your baby snap is just precious. We're not really into paper like you although our Willow really likes to collect tissues or napkins.

Hugs and tail wags

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Willow!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I added you as my friend!
I´m addicted to paper too. I love chewing and eating paper.


Princess Patches said...

Hi Willow,

We tagged you. Come see our bloggy!

Poppy & Penny

Cassidy said...

Oh yes, me LOVES shredding paper and cardboard!

Cassidy x

Kirby said...

Hi Willow,

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm gonna add you to my bloggie friends list if that's OK with you. So, I've got to tell you that I love paper too! Once at the vets office, I ate part of my chart. They were not too happy about that, but there was all that colorful paper, yummy! He he! I'm almost 2 and I still love the paper.
Where in Michigan do you live? While I live in Chicago, Mom's family has a summer place on Lake Paw Paw in Watervliet, so we are up there all the time. It's funny, it's a family cottage with all of Mommy's immediate and extended family. There will be five dogs up there this summer (2 huskys, 2 airedales and 1 mini pinscher). It's like the dog pound. If you live close, we should get together and have a doggie play date! Woofs and welcome to blogging. You'll see that there are a TON of blogging 'dales!

Your pal,

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


Hope you have had a good weekend! I totally love paper! Sometimes I eat it and sometimes I don't, kinda just depends on my mood I guess. It's the crinkly sound that really gets me! Woohoo for paper!

You've got a really cute face...I would definately lick your nose! I like to lick things too, I have to know what they taste like, but I'm guessing that your nose tastes like coffee.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Deetz said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love chewing up paper. Toilet paper is the best!!! It looks like snow in the house great.

Stanley said...


My little sissy, Stella, is also addicted to paper. We don't eat MUCH of it, but sure do love to rip it up! Tissue paper is the BEST cuz it rips SOOOOO easily!

Goober love & smooches,