Our friend Blue said......
Mutterings'.Each week, host,
subliminal.lunanina, lists 10 words; you just have to say, what ever pops into your head for each one. I've noted, you don't even, have to keep it to a single response. It's all about having fun with free word association; which supposedly, tells a lot about, what's going on inside ones brain!Mmm!Do you really want to know??? There's no rules; no right or wrong answers!
Mawm and I are going to do this together. This should be fun because we NEVER know what is going to pop out of mawms brain!!! Ready.....set.....go....
LAUNDRY:: A never ending mass of clothes for mom to drudge her way through daily!
RUBBER DUCKY:: I, Willow, have a pink one that I love to drive my hoomans crazy with!
STARBUCKS:: Please no foam or whip. It's just that simple right? Right?
COMPUTERS:: Necessary evil, helpful, slow, brain freeze, yummy cords to chew, updating my bloggie.
BIRDS:: love to chase them, will catch them one day, forget myself and leave the yard to chase them
LIZARDS:: my pups have 4....they never let me near them....wonder why that is?
ICE CREAM CAKE:: yummy, cold, tasty, one piece is never enough....must find more
CAR RIDES:: Windows down, never up! Must go through McDonalds before heading home.
TELEPHONES:: mom, pink, on it way to much!!!!!
SHOPPING:: PetCo, PetSmart, Pet anything I am there. Or McDonalds!
There were actually 2 tags but I just did the one! Booh to my typist!!! She is no fun!! Now we are going to tag pups! However.....we have a problem with putting the names so they go right to their blog. (We hope we can see Beasely's mom when we are out west and she can help us.) Ok there is no other way to say this, they are LEAVING ME BEHIND.!!! Oh I am sorry I am going off on a tangent aren't I. Back to who I am going to tag...let's see. Moco(smooches), Bolo(snuggles) and Blu Loo Loo(slurps). Now if anyone else wants to do this just let me know and we can get you started. This is the beginning of it...I think!!